Our December 8th meetup: Jay Dawkins — How technology is shaping participatory democracy / by Benjamin Watson

How technology is shaping participatory democracy — Friday December 8th 3PM @ Hunt

Technology is transforming public dialog in alarming and unintended ways — a stark contrast to the optimism of the early web. What would technology supporting a healthy dialog look like? Jay Dawkins and CityZen have at least one answer in publicinput.com, which helps residents participate in shaping their cities, where things are still getting done. Jay will offer examples of the civic problems CityZen is addressing, as well as his team's successes and continuing challenges. We will then sit down to discuss the issues Jay's work raises in more depth, especially the responsibilities of technologists to their community.

Please bring your questions to the meetup!

Jay Dawkins is a transportation engineer turned civic tech entrepreneur. He’s the co-founder of Cityzen, a Raleigh-based software company that helps public agencies use social media and news websites to engage more residents online. He previously served as Student Body President at NC State, and today lives and works in downtown Raleigh.

As always with our meetups, this is not a "sit back and listen" meeting, but a chance for us to bring together a cross disciplinary group of people to think about the relationship between UX, technology, and design. Mostly though, we'll get to know one another, and have some fun. If you'll come, please RSVP!